HuLog: Humans in Digital Logistics

HuLog: Humans in Digital Logistics The Humans in Digital Logistics (HuLog) project investigates how digital technologies shape work and employment conditions in warehouses in Europe. Today, warehouses are profoundly affected by rapidly evolving digital technologies along the whole supply chain, which facilitate the online purchase of goods, harmonise systems for tracking parcels and optimise warehouse…

GIG-OSH: New challenges for occupational safety and health in times of the digital transformation in Europe: the role of digital labour platforms

GIG-OSH: New challenges for occupational safety and health in times of the digital transformation in Europe: the role of digital labour platforms Digitalisation is transforming labour markets and altering labour relations. This has laid the foundations for the rise of digital labour platforms, which connect the supply and demand for labour. The growth of digital…

GEiO: Gender Equitable Interactions Online – Supporting gender equity in work-based videoconferencing

GEiO: Gender Equitable Interactions Online – Supporting gender equity in work-based videoconferencing The GEiO project investigates the role of gender in online work meetings across four nations (Germany, Iceland, Spain and the UK). Research exploring how gender becomes relevant to videoconferencing at work remains in its infancy. Existing investigations suggest that with the exponential rise…

DIGITISLAM: Digital Islam across Europe: Understanding Muslims’ Participation in Online Islamic Environments

DIGITISLAM: Digital Islam across Europe: Understanding Muslims’ Participation in Online Islamic Environments European Muslim communities (and indeed all communities) have been transformed by the digital revolution and new processes of knowledge creation, acquisition and dissemination that erode traditional structures of authority. While many Muslims remain marginalised from European hierarchies of knowledge, digital platforms provide novel…

DIGISCREENS: Identities and Democratic values on European digital screens: Distribution, reception and representation

DIGISCREENS: Identities and Democratic values on European digital screens: Distribution, reception and representation At a time when streaming platforms provide access to film and television from all over the world, DIGISCREENS focuses on how these platforms contribute to transform social and cultural dynamics in Europe. The project asks how the increased possibilities for audiences to…

DigiPatch: Moving From A Networked To A Patchworked Society: Motivational Underpinnings And Societal Consequences

DigiPatch: Moving From A Networked To A Patchworked Society: Motivational Underpinnings And Societal Consequences With the rise in usage of digital media, people now have myriad ways to inform and express themselves and share their opinions with a global audience. This digitalisation of communication leads to new and multiple social ties which, while strengthening democracy,…

DIGeMERGE: Digital Emergency Communication

DIGeMERGE: Digital Emergency Communication During disasters and emergencies, good communication is of vital importance to life-saving efforts. In recent years, numerous digital tools have made their way into emergency management, initially simply to warn the public about imminent risks and hazards. As societies become ever more digitalised, such tools are increasingly used to collect data…