GEiO: Gender Equitable Interactions Online - Supporting gender equity in work-based videoconferencing

The GEiO project investigates the role of gender in online work meetings across four nations (Germany, Iceland, Spain and the UK). Research exploring how gender becomes relevant to videoconferencing at work remains in its infancy. Existing investigations suggest that with the exponential rise in digitally mediated working patterns and new reliance on videoconferencing platforms, organisations are unready to address gender inequality online.

A key aim of this project is to build new transnational evidence on the currently unexplored ways in which digital videoconferencing innovations maintain or can be used to resist gender inequity at work. We will be working with international corporations in each of the partner countries. Participating corporations will support data collection and provide feedback on the research process and findings. Three different and complementary methods will be used to explore gendered processes in this context. The first study will use video-recordings of online work meetings to analyse conversational patterns. The second study will explore shared understandings of digital working through rank orderings of relevant statements by participants that will be both statistically and thematically analysed. A Story Completion task will be used in the third study. This method can be used to capture social perceptions of videoconference meetings through storytelling. By approaching the data both by study and by country, this methodological design will enable cross-national comparisons at different levels of analysis. The research findings will provide a firm basis for knowledge exchange with private sector organisations to develop evidence-based training on digital gender equity. An accredited micro credential training course on gender equitable interactions online will be produced. It will be translated into the languages used in each of the partner locations to support good organisational practice.


videoconferencing, online meetings, gender equity, remote working, equality, diversity &amp inclusion


  • Project LeaderLisa Lazard, Open University, United Kingdom, e-mail
  • Irmgard Tischner, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, Germany, e-mail
  • Annadís Rúdólfsdóttir, University of Iceland, Iceland, e-mail
  • Adriana Gil-Juárez, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, e-mail
  • Barbara Biglia, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain, e-mail


  • Rose Capdevila, Open University
  • Gyða Margrét Pétursdóttir, University of Iceland
  • Sara Cagliero, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain

 Start date

1 November 2022

Project duration

36 months

 Project budget

€ 1 436 742

Funding organisations