CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe, is a joint initiative of 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries.

The main goal of the CHANSE initiative is to launch a transnational call for collaborative projects focused on the topic of Transformations: Social and cultural dynamics in the digital age. The objective of this call is to help understand how digital innovations give rise to social and cultural changes, and are also influenced by society and culture. The joint research call combines the analytic and transformative powers of the humanities and social sciences in understanding processes of change and considering solutions when societies face the introduction of innovations. The call attracted 366 international consortia, out of which 26 were awarded funding. Click here to read more about the funded projects

Due to the big interest of the research community in the first Call, CHANSE in collaboration with the HERA and NORFACE networks, announced two additional Calls for international research projects in the following themes:

CHANSE also strongly supports knowledge exchange activities and foster relationships between academia and relevant stakeholders, as well as explores and develops new joint actions. By offering new opportunities for international research cooperation in a critical area of enquiry, the CHANSE Programme delivers a broad range of academic, societal and economic impacts within, across and beyond the partner countries. (Click here to read more about Knowledge Exchange)

The CHANSE programme has been co-created by HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) and NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe) networks supporting research in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences, respectively.

Dr. Małgorzata Jacobs, CHANSE Programme Coordinator
[email protected]

Dr. Katarzyna Wincenciak, Programme Coordinator’s Office
[email protected]

Monika Huńka, Communication Officer
[email protected]

National Science Centre, Poland
Twardowskiego 16
30-312 Kraków
Tel. +48 519 404 997