REMEDIS: REthinking MEdia literacy and DIgital Skills in Europe

REMEDIS: REthinking MEdia literacy and DIgital Skills in Europe Adopting an evidence-based approach to REthinking MEdia Literacy and DIgital Skills in Europe, REMEDIS seeks to provide a framework for evidence-based evaluative research of media literacy and digital skills. REMEDIS aims to inform practitioners and policymakers about so far severely underdeveloped evidence that links interventions around…

REIMAGINE ADM: Reimagining public values in algorithmic futures

REIMAGINE ADM: Reimagining public values in algorithmic futures REIMAGINE ADM research consortium studies how public values intertwine with algorithmic systems and futures. The novelty of the project lies in mobilising anthropological and sociological perspectives to examine how values are deployed in situated practices rather than in the abstract. We develop methods and comprehensive frameworks for…

ReDigIm: Redistributive Imaginaries: Digitalisation, culture, and prosocial contribution

ReDigIm: Redistributive Imaginaries: Digitalisation, culture, and prosocial contribution Redigim examines the impact of digitalisation on European citizens’ understanding of what it means to contribute to society. Taxation, philanthropy, charity and mutual aid are redistributive forms that enable individuals to ‘pay in’ to their societies. They invite or compel citizens to make payments with a view…

REDACT: Researching Europe, Digitalisation and Conspiracy Theories

REDACT: Researching Europe, Digitalisation and Conspiracy Theories Digital communication technologies enable the exchange, adaptation and adoption of conspiracy theories at an unprecedented speed and scale, facilitating the creation of counter-publics connected by a propensity for mis- and disinformation. The REDACT project will analyse how digitalisation shapes the form, content and consequences of conspiracy theories, including…

ReCoVirA: Religious Communities in the Virtual Age

ReCoVirA: Religious Communities in the Virtual Age While, historically, religious life has been something of a refuge from the digitalisation of society, the COVID-19 pandemic changed that. The social restrictions imposed by the pandemic rapidly accelerated religious communities’ embrace of digital tools and structures in order to continue their essential social and psychological work during…

QSHIFT: Decision-Making in the Age of Quantum AI

QSHIFT: Decision-Making in the Age of Quantum AI Advances and investment in quantum computing (QC) have the potential to significantly affect how we solve complex problems across industries. While still in its infancy today, QC could, for instance, significantly increase the computational power of existing machine learning systems, resulting in Quantum AI. This evolution, which…

PolarVis: Visual Persuasion in a Transforming Europe – the affective and polarising power of visual content in online political discourse

PolarVis: Visual Persuasion in a Transforming Europe – the affective and polarising power of visual content in online political discourse The PolarVis project examines the role of visual content in processes of political polarisation and belonging in the digital age. The visual dimension is increasingly salient online, where it underpins both conflict and connection. Photos,…

PlatFAMs: Platforming Families – tracing digital transformations in everyday life across generations

PlatFAMs: Platforming Families – tracing digital transformations in everyday life across generations Digital platforms have penetrated deeply our everyday life, affecting people’s informal interactions, ways of living and understanding of the world, as well as the institutional structures that underpin these. Increasingly, digital platforms provide an infrastructure for learning, social connections, gaming, commerce and engagement…

MEDEP: Media and Epidemics: Technologies of Science Communication and Public Health in the 20th and 21st Centuries

© R. & S. Łotysz MEDEP: Media and Epidemics: Technologies of Science Communication and Public Health in the 20th and 21st Centuries What is the relationship between technologies of communication and social and cultural change? This collaborative project between humanities researchers and art practitioners proposes to explore this question in the context of public health…