CHANSE Transformations’ Audiences: A Presentation on Connections and Gaps in Knowledge Exchange, by the CHANSE KEF team
CHANSE Transformations has funded 26 projects across 24 European countries, each designed to achieve specific forms of knowledge exchange (KE) for the benefit of particular target audiences. There is meaningful and currently untapped overlap between these projects in impacting people, policies, infrastructures, and environments around Europe and beyond.
In this presentation and discussion session from 1 February 2024, CHANSE’s Knowledge Exchange Facilitators review audience insights gained from analysing 1,700 responses from nearly 100 participants (representing 24 CHANSE projects) who contributed to a KE workshop in June 2023 in Tallinn, Estonia. Coupled with learnings from subsequent semi-structured conversations with representatives from different CHANSE projects, we examine trends and gaps in knowledge exchange provision across teams, covering topics from incentives (or lack thereof) for citizens to get involved in European research, to unrealistic or problematic expectations of different publics, to variable efforts to innovate digitally with KE itself.
This recording presents only our audience research; the ensuing discussion was available only to registered attendees or CHANSE project members. In the latter, we opened the conversation to attendees to challenge and elaborate our findings, and to discuss opportunities to extend the reach and effects of CHANSE Transformations over the next two years through different collaborative activities: online roundtables, workshops, publications, and funded cross-project collaborations.
Accompanying the presentation, we released a draft written report on our audience analysis. It is open for comment until 16 February 2024, at which point it will be finalised for publication and made available on these webpages.
Presenters: Ayesha Purcell, Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw and Sara Perry are the Knowledge Exchange Facilitators for CHANSE Transformations, working to link and create new opportunities for KE across the 26 CHANSE-funded projects. They are based at Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA), an Independent Research Organisation and educational charity that sits at the intersection of industry, charity, government and academia. Questions can be directed to [email protected].