A variety of recent reports and resources have been produced on knowledge exchange and impact in the context of the humanities. Relevant to all fields of practice, these are high-quality, tried and tested resources for planning knowledge exchange activities and understanding best practices.
What’s on offer? A few of our favourites are summarised below, from practical guides and toolkits, to wider conceptual and economic analyses.
A comprehensive online KE toolkit, which includes several case studies as examples of good practice. It explains the differences between Public Engagement, Knowledge Exchange and Impact through clear sections that users can consult without necessarily following the order of the text. This toolkit can also be used to support both continuing professional development and reflective practice in relation to KE.
Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) Knowledge Exchange and Impact Report
This resource can be used independently or as a ‘companion’ to the HERA toolkit. It explains what Knowledge Exchange and Impact good practice look like in the context of HERA’s four recent Joint Research Programmes (JRPs). The report is enriched with an interview, thematic case studies, graphs and other sources of inspiration, such as reference to KE Awards.
Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) Leverage Report 2010 – 2022
This report maps the Knowledge Exchange leveraged (towards financial, networking, capacity building, career, representational and other purposes) through the four HERA Joint Research Programmes (JRPs) between 2010 and 2022. Much of the report is technical in nature – concerned with the evaluation of these JPRs’ impact. It offers invaluable insights into how Knowledge Exchange works in practice (and can be quantified and qualified), with a particular focus on the Humanities.
UNICEF Knowledge Exchange Toolbox
Described as a toolbox “for anyone who needs to make effective decisions, facilitate or guide effective decision-making processes, or manage or coordinate group work in development that requires the knowledge of multiple persons to succeed,” this practical guide offers high-quality suggestions, especially for engagement activities (in both pdf and web-based formats).