Inspired by efforts to advance democratic innovation ( CHANSE Networks for Transformational Change is the Knowledge Exchange Facilitator programme linking all 26 CHANSE projects. It brings together CHANSE researchers, external participants and CHANSE officials to imaginatively explore and chart current and future scenarios for digital transformation.
The CHANSE KEF aims to:
- Strengthen the cohesion of the CHANSE programme via co-designed activities bringing together, on a translocal level, project researchers, early career researchers, external non-academic participants and CHANSE administrators.
- Collaboratively map current pursuits in digital transformation over three years.
- Explore and advocate collectively for future scenarios for digital transformation to inform future research, policy and KE.
- Create playful, imaginative, equitable and safe online and hybrid spaces where such collaborative design, charting, exploration and advisory work is pursued.
CHANSE’s 26 projects are each positioned to affect policy across the European Union, to advance the crucial but often underplayed role of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and to support individual and group wellbeing, social cohesion and democratic governance. In other words, they are already primed to be enablers of change.
CHANSE Networks for Transformational Change works at a programme level to take these projects further: enabling the enablers.
How will CHANSE KEF achieve its aims?
Seven activities and associated outputs, delivered over 3 years, will include:
- 3 x workshops with internal and external audiences (the first was held in Tallinn in June 2023), leading to 2 or more cross-project KE activities to be hosted in 2024 and 2025
- A map of CHANSE audiences and audience profiles to help projects in addressing the potential inclusion – and risk of exclusion – of different communities
- 9 x public webinars informed by the map, profiles, workshops and KE activities, and supported by the webpages
- future scenarios for use in policy and research development related to digital transformation
- An edited, open access volume for research audiences on transformational KE
What are the benefits of the KEF?
For CHANSE researchers, including Early Career Researchers, we seek:
- a sense of connectedness to and impact on new areas of expertise, beneficiaries, & stakeholders
- to embed researchers into new collaborative projects or other unexpected outputs
- to support use of novel datasets or to rethink current data and methods based on contacts facilitated by the KEF
- the opportunity to shape future digital policy and practice with new and different partners
For CHANSE (including HERA and NORFACE ), we seek:
- to be recognised across Europe and internationally for novel, co-designed KE activities
- to see CHANSE projects and KEF outputs directly inform activities of new external stakeholders, policy makers, and research and cultural institutions
For external organisations and European citizens, we seek:
- to facilitate positive learning and developmental outcomes from their participation in KEF activities
- to embed their unique interests into new projects, policy, funding calls or other outputs through an audience-centred approach & co-design opportunities
What are the expectations of the KEF for CHANSE projects & CHANSE officials?
- to participate in annual CHANSE conferences where a majority of the KEF co-design and development workshops and activities will take place
- when available, to offer constructive critique on outputs developed from these activities
- to connect Early Career Researchers with the KEF team to ensure these researchers can benefit from the contacts, networks, and opportunities offered through the KEF
- where appropriate, to suggest external contacts to participate in our seminar series, our workshops, our trans-local KE activities, and our publications (including future scenarios and our open access volume) – note that incentives are available to compensate for their contributions
- whenever possible, to advertise the activities of the KEF to your networks – note that we will be working with multi-lingual media companies to ensure reach of our work into local communities
- to reach out to the KEF team when needed for advice, support or to offer suggestions via [email protected]